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Remote Sensing Image Analysis in a Docker Container

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This repo contains the source files for the Docker image mort/crcdocker, which wraps command line versions of several Python scripts for the textbook Image Analysis, Classification and Change Detection in Remote Sensing, 3rd Ed., CRC Press 2014.

On Ubuntu, for example, install Docker and then pull and run the container with

sudo docker run -d -p 433:8888 -v my_images:/crc/imagery/ –name=crc mort/crcdocker

This maps the host directory my_images to the container directory /crc/imagery/ and runs the container as a daemon serving iPython notebooks.

Point your browser to http://localhost:433 to see the iPython notebook home page.

Here is a tutorial and here are some examples:

1, 2. Automatic radiometric normalization, Unsupervised clustering.

3. Solar illumination correction.

4. Supervised land cover classification.

5. Parallel processing for cross-validation.