Part 8. Data Assimilation

$$ \def\pr{\hbox{Pr}} \def\var{\hbox{var}} \def\cov{\hbox{cov}} \def\tr{\hbox{tr}} \def\corr{\hbox{corr}} \def\dmX{\un{\mathcal{X}}} \def\dmG{\un{\mathcal{G}}} \def\dmK{\un{\mathcal{K}}} \def\dmS{\un{\mathcal{S}}} \def\dmC{\un{\mathcal{C}}} \def\dmZ{\un{\mathcal{Z}}} \def\bma{{\mbox{\boldmath $\alpha$}}} \def\bmb{{\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}}} \def\bmu{{\mbox{\boldmath $\mu$}}} \def\bme{{\mbox{\boldmath $\epsilon$}}} \def\bmS{{\mbox{\boldmath $\Sigma$}}} \def\bmL{{\mbox{\boldmath $\Lambda$}}} \def\bmd{{\mbox{\boldmath $\delta$}}} \def\bmD{{\mbox{\boldmath $\Delta$}}} \def\bmG{{\mbox{\boldmath $\Gamma$}}} \def\bmphi{{\mbox{\boldmath $\phi$}}} \def\bmPhi{{\mbox{\boldmath $\Phi$}}} \def\bmpsi{{\mbox{\boldmath $\psi$}}} \def\bmtheta{{\mbox{\boldmath $\theta$}}} \def\eq{\begin{equation}} \def\eeq{\end{equation}} \def\i{{\bf i}} \def\un#1{{\bf #1}}$$

Arulampalam, M. S., Maskell, S., Gordon, N., and Clapp, T. (2002). A tutotial on particle filters for online nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, (50)(2), 174--188.

Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer.

Miller, R. N., Carter, E. F., and Blue, S. T. (1999). Data assimilation into nonlinear stochastic models. Tellus, 51A, 167--194.

Nonlinear system model (first-order Markov process):

$$ z_n = f(z_{n-1},w_n),\quad w_n=\hbox{system noise}.\tag 1 $$

Nonlinear measurement model:

$$ x_n = h(z_n, v_n),\quad v_n=\hbox{measurement noise}.\tag 2 $$

Given observations $X_n = (x_1,x_2\dots x_n)$ we want to estimate the posterior probability density function $p(z_n\mid X_n)$ for observing $z_n$. Then the state $z_n$ can be estimated:

$$ \hat z_n = \int z_np(z_n\mid X_n)dz_n, \quad \var(z_n) = \int (z_n-\hat z_n)^2 p(z_n\mid X_n)dz_n.\tag 3 $$

If the data $x_n$ arrive sequentially, we can write (3) as

$$ \hat z_n = \int z_np(z_n\mid x_n,X_{n-1})dz_n\tag 4 $$

and say that $x_n$ is being "assimilated" to get a better estimate of the state variable $z_n$.

we make use of

$$\eqalign{ p(a\mid b,c) &\propto p(b,c\mid a)p(a)\quad\quad\quad\quad\hbox{(Bayes)}\cr &= p(b\mid c,a)p(c\mid a)p(a)\quad\hbox{(Product rule)}\cr &\propto p(b\mid c,a)p(a\mid c)\quad\quad\quad\hbox{(Bayes again)}, } $$

so that

$$ p(a\mid b,c) ={p(b\mid c,a)p(a\mid c)\over \int p(b\mid c,a)p(a\mid c)da}.\tag 5 $$

Rewriting (4) with the help of (5) and $a = z_n,\ b=x_n,\ c=X_{n-1}$,

$$ \hat z_n = {\int z_n p(x_n\mid X_{n-1},z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n\over \int p(x_n\mid X_{n-1},z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n}.\tag 6 $$

But $x_n$ is conditionally independent of $X_{n-1}$ so we get

$$ \hat z_n = {\int z_n p(x_n\mid z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n\over \int p(x_n\mid z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n}.\tag 7 $$

Now suppose that we have a set $\{z_n^i\}_1^N$ of $N$ samples drawn from the posterior PDF $p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})$ at time $n$, i.e.,

$$ p(z_n\mid X_{n-1}) \approx \sum_{i=1}^N\delta(z_n-z_n^i).\tag 8 $$

We measure $x_n$. Then we can assimilate $x_n$ to get a better current estimate of $z_n$ by substituting (8) into (7). This gives

$$ \hat z_n =\int z_np(z_n\mid X_n)dz_n \approx \sum_{i=1}^N z_n^i {p(x_n\mid z_n^i)\over\sum_{j=1}^Np(x_n\mid z_n^j)} = \sum_{i=1}^N z_n^i w_n^i,\tag 9 $$

where the weights $w_i$ are given by the likelihoods $p(x_n\mid z_n^i)$ for observing $x_n$ given the model states $z_n^i$,

$$ w_n^i = {p(x_n\mid z_n^i)\over\sum_{j=1}^Np(x_n\mid z_n^j)}.\tag{10} $$

The effective number of particles involved in (9) is

$$ N_{eff} = {1 \over \sum_i^N (w_n^i)^2}. $$

For example, if all of the weights are equal then $w_n^i = 1/N$ and we get

$$ N_{eff} = {1 \over N\cdot(1/N^2)} = N. $$

Next we observe $x_{n+1}$. Now we must sample from $p(z_{n+1}\mid X_n)$. Using Bayes Rule as above, we get

$$\eqalign{ p(z_{n+1}\mid X_n) ={\int p(z_{n+1}\mid z_n) p(x_n\mid z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n\over \int p(x_n\mid z_n)p(z_n\mid X_{n-1})dz_n}.}\tag{11} $$

Exercise 1: Show this.

Now substitute (8) into (10) to get

$$ p(z_{n+1}\mid X_n) = \sum_{i=1}^N w_n^i p(z_{n+1}\mid z_n^i). $$

So to go to the next step: for $i=1\dots N$, choose PDF $p(z_{n+1}\mid z_n^i)$ with probability $w_n^i$ and use the model Equation (1) to sample from that PDF. Combine the weighted samples to get $\{z_{n+1}^i\}_i^N$. Then use (9) and (10) with $n\to n+1$ to assimilate $x_{n+1}$, etc.

Algorithm (Nonlinear Bayesian Tracking or Particle Filter):

1) Initialize $n=1$ , $\{z_n^i\}_1^N$.

2) Measure $x_n$ and calculate weights $w_n^i = p(x_n\mid z_n^i)$, $i=1\dots N$ from measurement model (1). Set $w_n^i = w_n^i / \sum_i w_n^i$.

3) Calcultate $N_{eff} = \sum_i 1/(w_n^i)^2$ and re-sample the $z_n^i$ if too small.

4) Calculate $\hat z_n = \sum_1^N z_n^i w_n^i,\quad \var(z_n) = \sum_1^N (z_n^i-\hat z_n)^2 w_n^i$.

5) Sample $p(z_{n+1}\mid z_n^i)$ from system model (2) with weights $w_n^i$ to get $\{z_{n+1}^i\}_1^N$.

6) Set n = n+1 and go to 2).


Following Miller et al.(1999) we use as system model, Equation (1), the stochastic Lorenz equations for the state vector $\un Z=(Z_0,Z_1.Z_2)^\top$

$$\eqalign{ {dZ_0\over dt} &= \sigma(Z_1-Z_0) + w_0\cr {dZ_1\over dt} &= \rho Z_0 - Z_1 -Z_0Z_2 + w_1\cr {dZ_2\over dt} &= Z_0Z_1-\beta Z_2 + w_2, } $$

with $\sigma=10,\ \rho=28,\ \beta=8/3$ and $w_i \sim N\left(0,0.5\right)$, $i=0\dots 2$. This model is highly nonlinear and, for the choice of parameters, chaotic.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
%run /home/mort/stats2016/lorenz

We run the model over the time interval $[0,45]$, simulating measurements $\un X=(X_0,X_1,X_2)^\top$ of all three state variables every 0.48 time units with uncorrelated Gaussian error noise. The measurement variance-covariance matrix is

$$ {\bf\Sigma}_v = \pmatrix{2 & 0 & 0\cr 0 & 2 & 0\cr 0 & 0 & 2}. $$

Then we restart the model and simulate the assimilation of the measurements using the particle filter described above. The number of particles (samples) is $N=4000$, and resampling is done when $N_{eff} < 3000$.

show simulation in IDL

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